AGRI 1101 – Agricultural Economics
3 credits
An introduction to the field of agricultural economics as it relates to production, consumption, marketing, prices, supply and demand, records and finance.
AGRI 1103 – AgriBusiness
3 credits
Students will develop skills in the areas of finance, management and marketing that are critical to the success of an agribusiness firm. These skills will involve an understanding of concepts such as bids, budgets, business plans, cash flows, contracts, inventory controls, marketing plans, supply chain, negotiations, and strategic alternatives.
AGRI 1106 – Principles of Crop Science
4 credits
Students will gain an understanding of the general principles involved in crop production, including soil, nutrients, plant breeding, planting techniques, tillage systems, pests, budgets, and environmental factors. Students will also learn the advantages and disadvantages of conventional, organic, and sustainable production systems.
AGRI 1107 – Principles of Animal Science
4 credits
An introductory course in animal sciences designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the biological principles and production practices used in animal production. Students will gain a basic understanding of anatomy, genetics, reproduction, nutrition, and behavior as they apply to domesticated animals. Students will also gain an appreciation for intensive and extensive production environments, resulting food and fiber products, and be familiar with the social issues such as animal welfare and environmental impacts.
AGRI 1114 – Principles of Horticulture
4 credits
This course focuses on skills and technologies essential for horticultural plant production. Cultural and sustainable production practices will be examined. Students will apply scientific knowledge of plant development, nutrition, and growth regulation. Environmental aspects of irrigation, chemical application, and soil conservation will be evaluated.
AGRI 1119 – Greenhouse Management
4 credits | Prerequisite: AGRI 1114
This course introduces the student to greenhouses and related equipment used to manipulate the environment to best economical advantage in the production of greenhouse crops: flower, vegetable and foliage plants. Included are topics on greenhouse location and construction, heating, cooling, soils and fertility, lighting, crop scheduling, disease and insect control and environmental considerations. Some attention is given to business and the retailing of crops grown.
AGRI 1126 – Livestock Feeds and Feeding
3 credits | Prerequisite: AGRI 1107
A study of fundamental principles of feeds and feed use in farm livestock to meet nutritional and dietary requirements of farm animals. Digestive physiology will be introduced. This course includes study of specific nutrients and feedstuffs as related to domestic farm livestock. Feedstuffs will be studied in relation to value added to a ration. Ration formulation will be introduced.
AGRI 1199 – Seminar
1–6 credits
Discussion of particular issues in areas of special interest. May include topics in areas of animal science, crop production, ag business or horticulture.
AGRI 2200 – Agricultural Field Experience
1–9 credits (Field Experience)
Agricultural field experience is a paid (or unpaid) work activity which relates to an individual student's occupational (or learning) objectives, and which can be taken in lieu of elective courses in his/her program. The experience will be coordinated by an agricultural faculty member who will assist the student in planning the experience, visit the site of the experience for a conference with the student and his/her supervisor at least once during the quarter, and assign the course grade to the student after appropriate consultation with the employer/supervisor.
Students are required to have 2.5 work hours per week for 15 weeks = 37.5 work hours per semester of field experience for each 1 hour of credit that he/she has enrolled.
AGRI 2208 – Soils
4 credits
An introduction to the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils and how these properties relate to soil use and productivity.
AGRI 2299 – Research Project
3 credits | Prerequisite: completion of core courses in Agriculture Production program
A supervised research project tailored to the individual needs and learning objectives of the student.